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In Nov, 2014, RLM presented on the Eruomold 2014. We took this opportunity to meet current customers on the site; and we also look forward to working with the potential customers in Germany and customers all over the world

World Fair EuroMold: 21 years of success

The World Fair EuroMold – that´s 21 years of success for a highly specialised and internationally recognised trade fair. The EuroMold has been oriented towards users in areas such as the automobile, sub-contracting, electric and electronic industries, household appliances, medical devices, consumer goods, air and space travel and leisure and sport. In Addition, it is oriented to companies which provide application development as part of their business, which means everything in one place – the so-called total service provider.

Copyright © Reliable Mold Industry Co.,Ltd ; Tel:0086-769-21611535 ; Cell :(0)18665121803; Skype:reliablemoldsandy; Add:Lotus Square Industry Zone, Changan Town ,Dongguan City ,Guangdong Province, China  523800